I am an old software engineer, working on DSP system projects, studying for a Master's degree of Telecommunication Engineering, using English as my second language. Things are hard for me.
The easy way · Yesterday is a palindrome day! 22022022! And I remembered I talked about a palindromic sub-string problem on Leetcode in this post. I used...
As Part 1 introduces, we get decibel using the formula $$ l = 10 \times log \frac{p_1}{p_2} (dB) $$ I'd blame my poor English ability that I didn't...
Trying to solve a problem on LeetCode · I saw this problem on LeetCode couple of years ago: Longest Palindromic Substring I used to browse problems on...
I needed to set the system time on an embedded device, through a web page. It's just a single button on a web page, click on it then the job done. A...
Web UI to control an embedded system · I really don't know how to name this post. So I just simply listed all the technologies that involved. The...
Most people know that dB (decibel) is a unit, you use it when you want to tell the level of a sound. People could say, the sound of a jet engine can...